Due to convenience and a long list of multi-purpose benefits, the number of active Discord users is multiplying. But handling this massive audience on a Discord server can be overwhelming. Sometimes you will not be available, or some people are creating trouble by breaking the rules and regulations. By benefiting the community, some users play a significant role in the growth of the servers.
On the other hand, some other users manage the multiple Discord servers and integrate various platforms like Reddit, YouTube and Twitch. MEE6 is one of the perfect solutions if you are looking to manage and create a more engaging community on Discord. This article will go through everything about the MEE6 bot, like its features and MEE 6 commands.
What do you mean by a MEE6 bot?
It is a chatbot that will allow you to manage your online Discord community. It comes with high spec moderation and integration to famous platforms like YouTube, Reddit and Twitch to enhance your Discord experience.
However, you can generate a notification online if you are a live streamer or YouTube content creator. From displaying messages to welcome new members to play your favourite music, MEE6 has it all for you.
The bot comes with an easy-to-use interface that will let you configure a wide range of settings for your Discord server and collect valuable user data. Also, it will allow you to assign roles to your community members according to your privileges.
However, the MEE6 bot is totally free of cost. But it also comes with a premium version that will give you access to various fantastic features.
How to set up a MEE6 bot?
It is a simple and pretty easy method to set up a MEE6 bot. Follow the steps below to do that.
- Go to the official website of the MEE6 bot.
- Click on the Add to server option.
- Register to your Discord server. If you already have an account, log in with your credentials.
- Select the server from the list where you want to display the MEE6 bot.
- Provide the authorization for the bot to control your Discord server.
- You have to check the Add bot to a server.
- Click on the Authorize button.
That’s it! Now, you can apply any command prompt to get your Discord server ready for the customization process.
What are the benefits of the MEE6 bot?
MEE6 bot comes with a lot of striking features. If you have more than one channel or limited workforce to manage data, the MEE6 bot comes into action. These bots are ideal for managing growing audiences and avoiding activity that may lead to heated conversation.
The dashboard of MEE6 comes with all necessary features like MEE6 commands, playing music and assigning levels. Apart from all this, the dashboard also offers moderation and customization to enhance the user experience.
It will allow you to send messages to the community members privately and generate valuable statistics concerning worldwide events. MEE6 bot is also known for its announcement functions for content creation and streaming.
Depending on the user data, the MEE6 bot introduces new exciting features making it all worth it. Below, we outline some of its best features.
- Best visual music player: MEE6 bot is known for its best visual music player, allowing you to play music and manage your customizable playlists. You can directly search for your music without inserting any command through the MEE6 dashboard. Also, you can vote for your favourite music. It will also let you set up challenges for members to guess the songs and artist names.
- MEE6 commands:- These commands will let you manage distributed roles to different community members and deliver automated messages. Also, it will allow you to inform members about ongoing and upcoming events and provide critical notifications.
- Levelling and XP:- You as an admin will enable you to define specific instructions that grant the users XP. It will also allow you to determine the thresholds required to reach the next level and notify members regarding their achievements. Sometimes the XP achievements of the servers get displayed on the dedicated server leaderboards. Inserting commands will help you familiarize yourself with your total XP, ranking and levels.
- Private channels:- The MEE6 bot will allow you to choose a private channel. It will keep you updated regarding the activities happening on the Discord server. Private channels can be regarding the muted, banned and kicked members.
- Custom moderation options:- These options will allow you to manage your server from harmful advertisements, unsafe links, swearing and disturbing content. They will let you keep track of user’s infractions and commit and control the traffic. Whether it is related to bans or kicking the troubled members, it will save the trouble of manually dealing with every member.
MEE6 commands
The Discord server has a particular collection of commands when it comes to the MEE6 bot. These commands cover a vast range of functions that will allow you to manage the unpredictable nature of online communities. Below, we will list down some MEE6 commands.
- !kick:– This command will allow you to kick a user from the Discord server.
- !mute:- Muting a member from the Discord server.
- !ban:- Banning a designated user from a Discord server.
- !tempban:- Restrict a user from the Discord server temporarily.
- !unmute:- Unmuting a user from the Discord server.
- !tempmute:- Muting a user from the Discord server temporarily.
- !clear:- Clearing the messages of a channel.
- !role-info:- Extracting the information related to a specific role.
- !user-info:- This command is for getting the information.
- !infractions:- Displaying the infractions of a user.
- !slowmode:- Enabling or disabling the slow mode feature in a channel.
- !unban:- Unbanning a user from the Discord server.
- !warn:- Issuing a warning to a user.
The bot will give you the freedom to add commands to your Discord server. However, these commands could be using both variables and arguments. Variables refer to the user’s channels and server, for example {channel.id}, {user.name} and {user.avatar}.
On the other hand, MEE6 commands will let you copy a specific argument and multiply arguments. If the users did not specify a particular value for the argument, you could define a default value. To do this, you have to add {: default text} after the code ends.
Wrapping up
After going through the article, we concluded that the MEE6 bot is fun to use and an interactive bot that can be used depending upon maintaining the integrity of your server. We also discussed MEE6 commands that cover a vast range of functions that will allow you to manage the unpredictable things of your Discord server.
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