
Whatsapp New Feature: Share Status On Facebook

Like Instagram and Facebook, WhatsApp also allows you to share your pictures, videos, daily updates, songs, links in the form of status/story. This status lasts 24 hours and gets automatically deleted after a day. Earlier this option was not available in WhatsApp. Now a new feature is getting introduced in the application that lets you share your WhatsApp story on Facebook too.

WhatsApp is owned by Facebook and now the company is trying ways to connect both. Now the question arises how will you make use of this latest feature? Well, the process is very simple. Right where you share your story you will find three dots kind of symbol. When you tap on it a tap will open automatically and you will get various options like Forward, share, etc. In these options, you will find one option of ‘Share to Facebook’, as soon as you tap on the option it will take you to Facebook and you will just have to confirm in order to share your WhatsApp story on Instagram.

Photo Credit: Mashable India

The users of application are having interesting reviews about the launch of this latest feature. People are posting publicly about their views and it looks like they are quite impressed with it.

“So WhatsApp has a new feature, you can share your story on WhatsApp to Facebook. For me, this is quite interesting, a centralized mode of communicating to various platforms,” posted one user.

“The New #WhatsApp update allows you to share your statuses on to your #FacebookStory as well,” wrote another.

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