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History of Lei Day – what does it signify?

Lei Day

Lei Day, if you are unaware of, is synonymous with the culture of Hawaii. In fact, Lei flower forms part of the cultural icon of the Hawaiin region. May 1 every year here is celebrated here as the Lei Day in commemoration of the cultural identity of the region. The day involves passing and receiving the Lei flower, dressing in the traditional aloha attire and honouring the natural production of the tropical flowers in the region.
Lei day

Significance of Lei in Hawaiin culture

Not only on the Lei Day, but Lei does come with its own significance on the Hawaiin psyche. The custom was brought by the original settlers here and is evidenced by the use of Lei by all the strata of society including commoners and chiefs.
In fact, men and women tend to wear and exchange Lei on every special occasion whether good or bad, and this includes funerals, birthdays, graduations or even weddings. While lei is of utmost importance, it is interspersed with leaves, betels, nuts and a host of other additions. However, the traditional Lei Day celebrations began as late as in 1927. The first Lei Day was celebrated on O’ahu in the year and later on went to become the state long festival two years later.
In fact, the Lei Day celebration in Hawaii has even given rise to the popular song – “May Day is Lei Day in Hawaii,”.
Of course, the day isn’t a holiday in the exact sense of the word but still considered to be the non-official state holiday by every means.

How is Lei Day Celebrated across Hawaii?

Well, the Lei day is marked with songs, hula dances and Lei Day court procession. The day is primarily celebrated in schools across all the Hawaiian islands. A king and a queen are elected from each of the eight islands, and each of them concludes with a special hula performance.
Lei Day
There are even the prizes for those participating in the Lei Day Exhibit. You can even enjoy the free events like hula performances, live music, local food, shopping, lei-making competitions, Lei Day Queen/king appearance and the renowned lei contest exhibit.
So, what are you waiting for? Head on to Hawaii if you are somewhere nearby…. and enjoy the exuberance of Lei Day and dive yourself into the cultural extravaganza of Hawaiian islands. Enjoy the best ever experience of your life right away…!

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